acc sport injury



新西兰事故保险赔偿公司(ACC)开发了针对预防运动伤害的成本量测量,以提供有关该计划的有效性和范围的信息。 ACC涵盖了新西兰的所有的人身伤害,该公司也投资于预防措施。

Ponsonby Wellness Centre可治疗各种ACC运动损伤 – 由于事件或不幸事件引起的身体伤害,包括骨折,骨折或脱臼,肌肉撕裂和菌株以及扭伤。

ACC从不同领域努力避免运动伤害。 此外,ACC还支持增强体育锻炼,因为它具有许多优势,并且如果您受伤,那么ACC希望您迅速康复,防止再次受伤,并恢复自己喜欢的活动。

ACC通常不涵盖缓慢,连续的过程带来的伤害,而是由一次特定的事件造成的意外伤害。 但是,ACC可能会涵盖因长期暴露于危险工作中的导致的伤害。

acc sport injury


针灸是一种传统的中医治疗方法。 这是一种非药物治疗,可减轻疼痛,尤其是在肌肉骨骼系统中。 针灸具有与针灸部位的局部影响以及涉及大脑或自主神经系统的全身和中央过程有关的几种治疗益处。 对待新西兰ACC涵盖的运动伤害将有所帮助。


在Ponsonby Wellness Center,我们通过包括针灸在内的传统中医疗法治疗运动损伤。 针灸是治愈运动损伤的一种简单,无创和保守的方法,例如横向弯月面破裂,股骨髋臼撞击,神经节囊肿和运动疝。 它可能有助于短期疼痛患者从功能障碍中康复。 此外,建议针灸可作为一种针对YIP和延迟发作肌肉酸痛的治疗方法。随附的例子表明,除了肌肉骨骼疼痛管理外,针灸还可以用于治疗各种运动损伤。




针灸师将针头插入受伤部位和周围地区的肌肉或组织中。 针头的插入会引起少量的皮肤应变,这会触发化学物质的释放,这些化学物质在创伤部位以及大脑和脊髓中局部阻断疼痛信号。 产生内啡肽和阿片类药物,从疼痛起源到大脑的疼痛反馈途径被抑制,从而减少了大脑感知的疼痛。

acupuncture treatment


损伤后的炎症可以通过触发增加血管通透性和血管舒张的化学物质来治疗。 针头插入的微曲线还触发了保护性的自然抗炎反应。 通过这些生理反应,可以清除炎症部位的受伤介质,并且可以加强该部位的治愈介质。


除了刺激抗炎和缓解疼痛的优势之外,针灸还可以治疗触发点,这是肌肉紧密的区域。 当一些肌肉纤维的集中面积过多抽动时,肌肉结或触发点会出现。 通过针刺扳机部位带来的狭窄肌肉纤维的机械破坏会促进放松。 此外,它增加了血管舒张,从而增加了血流和养分和氧气的供应,并降低了肌肉中的高电活动,从而使它们能够放松。

back pain

The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) in New Zealand (NZ) has created pre-and post-implementation cost-outcome equations for avoiding sports injury to offer information on a program’s performance. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) pays for all personal injuries in New Zealand and invests in preventative activities to counterbalance the 1.6 million yearly claims worth $NZD 1.9 billion. The ACC invests in nine national community sports injury prevention programs, which account for 40% of all shares and expenditures in the sports industry.

knee pain

Benefits of ACC 

In New Zealand everyone will be covered by the mandatory insurance by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), whether a visitor, citizen, or resident. If you are hurt or injured in an accident in New Zealand, ACC may cover some of your medical and health – care expenses.

ACC is the only no-fault insurance program in the world. It applies to everyone involved in the accident, including you. However, this implies you won’t be able to claim for any expenditures incurred as a result of the damage or its consequences.

Employers can benefit from the ACC, as they cover the cost. Check your responsibilities as an employer. Employers who fail to pay ACC may face significant fines. Most employees are automatically insured, and the company pays the levies and cannot be withheld from your pay.

The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) covers injuries ranging from sprains to permanent incapacity, but not general illness, illnesses, infections, age-related health issues, non-work-related gradual process injuries, or mental damage (save in minimal circumstances). Based on your injury, ACC may cover a percentage of your medical costs, offer home help, special aids or equipment, transportation, housing or automobile alterations, education, training, treatment, and counseling.

knee pain

ACC Sports Injuries and Claims 

Physical injuries such as fractured, broken, or dislocated bones, muscular rips and strains, deep cuts and tears (lacerations) and sprains account for the great majority of ACC claims.

The majority of claims include an “accident” in logical thinking, such as a vehicle accident or falling from a ladder at work or at home.

Last year, the ACC granted 499,629 claims for sports injuries, totaling $542 million, up from $508 million in 2015. In 2016, it paid out almost $3 billion in compensation to New Zealanders, including $1.4 billion for injuries in the home and community and $738 million for employment accidents. Sport cost ACC more ($435 million) than injuries from car accidents.

Broken and dislocated bones, ligament damage, knee injuries, and concussions accounted for most rugby claims (2401 cases in 2016). According to ACC injury prevention, rugby injury claims were more significant than other sports injuries, and the sport has always been the most claimant. To reduce injuries, ACC has raised its commitment in its “rugbysmart” initiative to $7 million through 2020.  Rugbysmart is a collaboration between ACC and New Zealand Rugby focused on reducing the risk of injury for players and coaches. The ACC data do not include claims from rugby players New Zealand Rugby, as the organization has its own claims process. All Super Rugby teams, women’s professional rugby players, Mitre Ten Cup players, and national teams such as the All Blacks would be included.


Ponsonby Wellness Centre
Contact Us

Phone: 021 2159963
57 Sussex St, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021

Opening Hours

Tue- Fri: 10am- 7pm

Sat: 9am-3pm

Sun, Mon - CLOSED